Cell Population Analysis
Our expert team at Sygnature Discovery are able to assist you in setting up and implementing sensitive flow cytometry-based assays to profile cell characteristics within your samples, such as cell cycle, surface or intracellular protein expression, viability, apoptosis and many more.
Flow cytometry enables individual cells in a population to be interrogated by passing through beams of a number of different lasers. In addition, the levels of specific proteins on the surface or within each cell can be determined through staining with fluorophore conjugated antibodies.
Flow cytometry is therefore an extremely powerful tool to analyse multiple characteristics of distinct cell populations within the same sample. In addition to antibody recognition of specific proteins, a plethora of reagents can be utilised to concurrently measure readouts such as apoptosis induction, Cell Viability and Cell Proliferation.
Flow cytometry can be add value to your programs by allowing you to monitor distinct cell populations in mixed cell samples, in response to project compounds.

The left diagram shows how lymphocytes and monocytes in an isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) sample can be distinguished. PBMCs were stained with antibodies which recognise the cell surface markers CD4 (FITC conjugated) and CD8 (PE conjugated). Populations of cells could then be distinguished based on their expression of either CD4 or CD8 (middle). By selecting the different CD4/CD8 expressing cells and gating the FSC/SSC dot plot to show only these cells (right), we can additionally determine whether the cell populations are lymphocytes or monocytes (right).