

Developing and maintaining robust enzyme assays is a key component of many drug discovery programs. Our scientists are well versed in Enzymology being experts at optimising activity, characterising enzyme kinetics and determining mechanisms of inhibition, enabling the delivery of high quality data to inform your discovery program.


At Sygnature Discovery, we have substantial experience in the development of tailored screening assays across a plethora of enzyme classes (e.g. kinases, phosphatases, proteases, oxidoreductases, ATPases, transferases, lyases). Sygnature’s scientists utilise a range of technology platforms to allow the development of sensitive, tailored assays across a diverse range of enzyme classes. These assays can be used to measure change in [substrates] and [products] directly or indirectly and include:

Figure 1: The mechanism of action of an enzyme inhibitor can be determined from its effect on Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Here a non-competitive inhibitor lowers the Vmax but does not affect the KM value.

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