Sygnature Discovery in the final of the 6th National RSC/SCI Retrosynthesis competition
A team of Sygnature Discovery chemists has made it to the final of the 6th National RSC/SCI Retrosynthesis Competition taking place in London on 15th March 2019.
The prestigious event showcases the calibre of UK chemists from both industry and academia and provides a platform for them to demonstrate their retrosynthetic and forward synthetic prowess. The ‘Retrosynthesis of Aconicarmisulfonine A’ designed by Sygnatures’s ‘SygTeamTwo’ (Kevan Grant, Alex Leeder, Eric Harris, John Ritchie, Andrew Phillips, Tom Fowler) will be presented to a panel of the UK’s leading academic and industrial synthetic chemists.
The team members commented: “We’re all passionate about providing great chemistry and we’re always on the lookout for a new challenge. Stereochemistry is hard, and that’s the type of science we like. Bring it on!”
Sygnature Discovery is the UK’s largest independent provider of integrated drug discovery resource and expertise. Private equity-backed, Sygnature undertakes integrated drug discovery programmes for pharmaceutical and biotech companies located around the world. Since 2011, 14 compounds invented at Sygnature for its clients have entered clinical trials (Phases I, II and III).
Sygnature Discovery’s chemistry department employs 135 medicinal/synthetic chemists (80% with PhDs), making it one of the largest and most experienced chemistry departments in the UK pharmaceutical sector.